Are Ginger Leaves Edible? How you can use them?

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a common root spice that has found a place among the most common ingredients in the kitchen. Are ginger leaves edible?

Ginger leaves are edible and bear a gingery flavor that is not as strong as the rhizome but still evident on the palate.

It is not common to eat the raw leaves whole as they are rather difficult to chew and digest. They are typically sliced or chopped and added to salads.

Ginger leaves can also be used in dishes after steaming, sautéing, or boiling.

Many describe ginger leaves as punchy and crunchy adding a unique sweet and peppery taste. Although not common elsewhere, Asian cultures have long discovered the taste and benefits of ginger leaves.

Ginger Leaves

Ginger has fine long tapering leaves with pointed tips. They appear alternately on the stem creating an appealing view. These green leaves are 15 to 30 cm in length when fully grown. 

They play an important role for growers by giving them signs of when the produce is ready to harvest.

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History of Eating Ginger Leaves

Ginger was first used in Indian and Japanese cultures where it has long been used in food and medicine.

In Japan, Ginger leaves are known by the local name “Yanaka Shoga” because they are specially grown in the Yanaka region of Tokyo, Japan.

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How to Use Ginger Leaves?

Due to the mild yet gingery taste of ginger leaves, they find many uses. They can be used cooked, raw, or as part of tea.

Cooking Ginger Leaves

The narrow ginger leaves can be bunched and chopped finely to make them look more attractive and make them easier to eat. You can saute, boil, or steam young ginger leaves to bring out their scented flavor. 

Cooking ginger leaves in soy sauce or pickling them in vinegar are the most common cooking methods seen.

Raw Ginger Leaves

It may sound strange, but ginger leaves are consumed raw as well. You just need to cut them like chives or spring onions and use them as a garnish to finish a dish. 

Also, you can spice up your salads with raw chopped ginger leaves. Even your guests won’t be able to pinpoint the secret ingredient. 

Ginger Leaves in Tea

Ginger Leaves in Tea

Dried and fresh ginger leaves can be used in tea as a replacement for ginger root. Though a slight taste variation exists between ginger root and ginger leaves and some may not like it.

You should probably start with a small dose (1 to 2 grams) of ginger leaves to adjust your taste buds.

To make the tea more fragrant, flavorful, and healthy, add lemon and honey. 

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Unique Dishes / Uses of Ginger Leaves

Even though ginger leaf flavor is not as pungent as ginger they are still used for their taste or aroma. Here are some unique applications of Ginger leaves.


Soups can be infused with fresh or dried ginger leaf extracts to give a mysterious flavor. Additionally, fine ginger leaves chopped up can act as a garnish for food that needs to deliver in terms of taste. 


Desserts that require a subtle tang to them can benefit from infused ginger leaves. Ginger leaves give a zest that creates virtually any component of restaurant-quality dessert dishes.

Examples where ginger leaf essence is usable include ice cream, sorbet, jelly, and even syrup. We would say, your imagination is the limit! 

Main Course

In Asian cuisine, broths and stews are common dishes that use many ingredients and need vast experience to balance the sweet and spicy flavor.

Ginger leaves are a good addition to these dishes as they contain both a sweet and a spicy taste.


Adding spices to both hot and cold beverages has become normal. Hot beverages include teas and health routine drinks. While cold beverages include cool summer drinks for the whole family or even flavored alcoholic drinks for adults.

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Why you should Eat Ginger Leaves?

You must be familiar with the many benefits of ginger. Well, ginger leaves are also no stranger to being a natural remedy for ailments, both long-term and short.

Some benefits of ginger leaves include:

  • Relief from toothache
  • Have Antioxidant properties
  • Aiding in digestion and reducing constipation

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Can I use ginger leaves for tea?

Yes, you can use ginger leaves for tea. People who prefer tea that is equally sweet and still has a hint of spice (not as spicy as ginger) can use dried or even fresh ginger leaves.

Of course, you can still go ahead and add all your other regular tea accessories to make a fragrant and healthy cup of tea!