Why is My Agapanthus Not Flowering? Tips to Induce Blooming

When summer approaches you will expect the garden to be colored blue with flowers of Agapanthus which you have planted. But when they don’t you would want to know why your Agapanthus did not flower?

Agapanthus, not flowering is caused by lack of sunlight, winter damage, excessive fertilizer, transplant shock, incorrect flowering season, and poor growing conditions. 

Agapanthus is also known as the Lily of the Nile and is a flower that bears blue flowers. Ideal conditions for this perennial plant to produce flowers are:

  • High levels of sunlight.
  • Fertile soil with excellent drainage.
  • Winter protection.
  • Adequate time and care to recover after dividing and transplanting. 

Want another flower to accompany your agapanthus? Azaleas are a good option, to know how long it takes to grow read, and how long it takes for azaleas to grow.

Your garden will be enhanced with agapanthus flowers. If they fail to flower, it is a huge setback. 

To save you time and help solve the problem faster, here are the reasons and solutions for agapanthus not flowering.  

#1 – Sunlight Inadequate for Agapanthus Flowering

Agapanthus is a sun-loving plant that will do well in full coverage of the sun.

When it comes to flowering sunlight plays an important role, without which flowering won’t happen. They tolerate the sun well and enjoy the warmth brought about by it. 

Give agapanthus a minimum of 6 hours of full sunlight for the best flowering. Agapanthus flowering is directly proportional to sun exposure. The more sun, the better the flowering! 

Poor flowering in agapanthus is observed when this plant spends the majority of its time in the shade.

Because they love the sun instead of shade, you can plant them in full sun and leave shady areas for other sun-sensitive plants. 

Tips for Better Flowering

  • Plant your agapanthus in an area you are certain will receive 6+ hours of sunlight. 
  • Shade should also be present but not as the major element in play wherever your agapanthus is situated.   
  • Do not increase watering in hot seasons, this plant is drought tolerant. Accidental overwatering due to high sun exposure may affect flower output. 

#2 – No Agapanthus Flowers Due to Winter Damage

Although a few agapanthus variants are quite cold-hardy, not all are!

Although they handle high temperatures well, they don’t do well on the opposite end of the spectrum. 

Agapanthus flower best in USDA zones 9 to 11 to which they are hardy. However, being cold intolerant, agapanthus flower bud damage is possible. Flower buds are formed during fall, just before winter. 

Just like young leaves, flower buds are more susceptible to cold damage than any other part of the plant.

When in colder areas, frost is a problem and agapanthus like most plants need your help to survive. Frost can damage flower buds to the point where they will not open! 

Tips for Better Flowering

  • If you want more flowers or flowers at all, agapanthus must be offered protection during winter. Bring them indoors into the house or a greenhouse. 
  • Another option is to wrap the plant in a breathable fabric or straw that acts as a shield against frost. Thus damage to flower buds can be averted. 
  • Start protecting your agapanthus plants flowers before frost sets in. Doing it too late may lead to irreversible damage.
  • Avoid the evergreen agapanthus varieties. Choose the deciduous varieties as they are more tolerant toward cold.

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#3 – Excessive Fertilizer Causing Agapanthus to Not Flower

Fertilizer may be viewed as a substance that promoted all-around growth, flowers included. Unfortunately, this is a myth!

When it comes to agapanthus, excessive fertilizer will induce the overgrowth of foliage. As a result, flower production will be poor.

Nitrogen (N) fertilizers produce the effects described above. Use high Potassium (K) fertilizers as they increase flower bud development, especially after fading of old flowers. 

Alternatively, a good practice for planting agapanthus in pots is using soil that has organic materials combined.

This is better since there will be a gradual release of nutrients at a gradual pace. 

Tips for Better Flowering

  • Switch from a high Nitrogen fertilizer to a more balanced one. Or, choose one that is high in Potash (Potassium). 
  • Flower buds are vulnerable to cold. Hence, flower stimulating fertilizer should not be used before winter. Instead, focus on keeping flower buds on the plant. 
  • Feed high Potash fertilizer to your agapanthus in late Summer to early fall to increase flower bud production. 

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#4 – Transplant Shock Affects Flowering in Agapanthus

Certain actions would cause your agapanthus to experience shock. Repotting, dividing, and relocating agapanthus can induce a state of shock.

Rightfully so, your plant will need some time to get used to its new conditions. 

Avoid repotting, relocating, and dividing agapanthus before the flowering season as it may put off flowering!

Do it much in advance to reduce chances of transplant shock or any other type of stress that could compromise Agapanthus flowers. 

Also, doing any of the actions above can result in a lower flower output that year! 

Tips for Better Flowering

  • Carry out repotting, relocating, and separation much in advance to prevent shock. Avoid doing it while the plant has formed flower buds. 
  • Repotting and transplanting is best done in early spring. However, if you live in a warm climate it may be possible to do so in the fall. 
  • Make sure to plant mature agapanthus as planting a young plant may not survive the transplantation. Additionally, a younger plant will take more time to establish itself than an older developed plant. 

#5 – Is it the Time for Agapanthus to Flower?

Sometimes when flowers don’t appear on the plants we rarely question the timing. 

Agapanthus typically flowers in Summer but may start early in Spring if the climate is warm enough. 

Flowering out of its routine time is not something you should expect. If summer and spring are approaching and little to no flower buds/flowers are present there is another reason for this. 

Agapanthus will only start flowering once it attains maturity. This is usually after 2 to 3 years.

Tips for Better Flowering

  • Care well for your agapanthus to ensure they reach the mature size which can support flowering. 
  • Make sure all conditions are favorable for flower bud formation and eventually for flowering when the respective seasons arrive. 
  • Expect no flowers for 2 to 3 years while the plant grows to become mature. 

#6 – Poor Growing Conditions Resulting in Low Agapanthus Flower Output

Growing conditions involve many factors in the environment. While some are out of your control, you do have influence over a few. You have to do your level best to make conditions ideal if you want to see any flowers!

Agapanthus needs 6 to 8 hours of sunlight with shade as well. They also need well-draining soil that presents no chances of wet soil.

Watering does not need to be regular as these plants are not that water-hungry. 

Providing all of these to your agapanthus will increase the likelihood of flowering and a very good flowering season. 

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Tips for Better Flowering

  • Keep an eye on the conditions your agapanthus have to deal with.
  • Go out of your way to make sure conditions are good enough. This will ensure the flower buds develop fully and open up when the time comes.  


After taking the time and energy to develop into an established plant, agapanthus plants don’t have any reason to flower! But actually, there are several reasons why your agapanthus is not flowering. 

Reasons for an agapanthus not flowering are not restricted to one factor but quite a few.

These include lack of sunlight, frost damage, excessive fertilizer use, stress/transplant shock, the incorrect season for flowering, and inappropriate growing conditions. 

Checking each factor will surely restore your agapanthus flowers. That’s if you haven’t already pinpointed the exact problem. 


How do you get Agapanthus to bloom?

The answer is quite simple. Give the agapanthus whatever it wants and needs to grow and develop flowers in abundance. This means 6/8 hours of sunlight, watering, well-draining soil, and Potassium-rich fertilizer. 

When do Agapanthus bloom? 

Agapanthus blooms in Summer or Spring when grown in warmer climates like those present in its native place South Africa. Flower buds will form much in advance, in the fall. Keeping the buds on the plant during winter will call for special protective methods. 

Why are only some of my agapanthus plants flowering? 

Agapanthus plants usually develop side buds that develop into completely new plants. However, these new progeny will not flower at the same time as their parent plants because they are not mature. It will be 2 years until they flower!