Why Do Agapanthus Flowers Flop?

Agapanthus flowers are a lovely little bouquet of individual bluish violet or white flowers. That’s when they are open and upright! But if the agapanthus flowers flop, it creates a question about what went wrong? 

Often Agapanthus flowers flop due to water availability, soil quality, genetic modification (larger flower heads), or weather conditions. 

Reasons Why Agapanthus Flowers Flop

Flopping flowers are not natural in agapanthus but are not uncommon as well.

Below are the most likely causes. Once you identify why it happens you can prevent it from happening again. 

#1- Water Availability 

The Agapanthus flower stalks could be bending over through lack of water, or too much water. Unfortunately, these two conditions can mimic each other. It is up to you to figure out which of the two it is. 

a) Too Little Water

The Agapanthus is famous for doing better in hot full sun, thus it is favored for dry hot climates. 

However, there is a catch that isn’t really mentioned much. Water is what helps these plants thrive in these conditions that otherwise prove too extreme for other plants. When agapanthus plants are provided with limited water, it may go into stress. 

When stressed during the flowering season, agapanthus flowers flop as a result of the stress. 

This happens in an attempt to conserve water and save resources. It appears the plant limits or even cuts off the water supply to the flower heads. Hence, a flower head full of droopy flowers will be the result. 

b) Too Much Water

Just as a lack of water causes agapanthus flowers to flop, an excess of water also displays itself in a similar way. 

When conditions are cooler and evaporation is low, or during the rainy season, too much water makes the ground waterlogged. This saturation of moisture usually leads to the plant not getting enough oxygen, and it would suffer from root rot.

The drooping or flopping of blooming agapanthus can be a result of excessive water. This then causes a lack of oxygen and root rot.   

Noticed an odd change of color in your plants? This is why your Agapanthus leaves are white. 

#2- Soil Issues

The quality of your soil will easily influence how your agapanthus grows and flowers. A lack or excess of nutrients in the soil will lead to problems involving the flower heads and even individual flowers. 

A particular example of the same is if the soil is poor. The plant will become straggly and the stem will not be able to hold up the flower head even if it is not oversized. 

Another scenario is if the agapanthus flower is provided with all the right nutrients during the growth phase.

However, along the way nutrients are completely exploited. This leaves the stem vulnerable to being unsupportive, leaving the sight of droopy agapanthus flowers.

Therefore, it is important to make sure agapanthus have fertile soil throughout growth. This is to ensure the flower head and stem grow in parallel.

If the whole plant is healthy, the chances of agapanthus flowers flopping will be slim to none! 

#3- Heavy Flower Head (Genetically Modified Cultivars)

Naturally, plants bear flower heads appropriately sized so that the flower stem can support them. Scientists have been able to genetically modify these plants so that they can be more visually appealing.

But, sometimes new breeds of Agapanthus might have large showy heads as this is the main feature that attracts buyers. This is done without much thought about the repercussions! 

However, artificially induced flower heads are bigger and heavier! This extra weight comes with some serious repercussions that put the flower head at risk.

Although the flower’s head develops better, the stem may get ‘left behind’ in terms of development.  

So, you might find this causes agapanthus flowers to flop or bend over from the weight of the flower. If this happens, you might have to support the stem. 

Support weak agapanthus flower stems by using a stake/stick and binding it to the flower stem. This will at least keep the flower head upright and maintain its attachment to the stem. 

But, in some cases, there might not be much you can do! If the flower bud is just too heavy, it may snap off at the area where it joins the lateral stem.

If you really want to avoid this sad possibility, stay away from genetically modified variants and go for the most natural cultivars. 

#4- Bad Weather Conditions

Even if a flower head and stem are very strong, it may not stand a chance against the elements! This is to some extent out of your control. All you can do is try to predict any odd weather and protect your agapanthus accordingly. 

High-speed wind and torrential rains are the most common destructive elements. But even rare disasters such as cyclones and tornadoes can strike heartbreak for your agapanthus flowers. 

At times it may feel as if mother nature may be working against you. Sometimes it may not even be the elements but rather the lack of protection on offer to your flowering agapanthus plants.

If your property or the surrounding foliage does not offer much protection your agapanthus will bear the full brunt of the weather!

But agapanthus plants usually end up being grown out in the open where the elements like them. This is because of their requirements for full sun. 

Not sure if these plants like sun or shade? Find out if your Agapanthus like full sun.


Seeing your agapanthus droopy and floppy is always a disappointment! You will want to correct or prevent it if you can. This starts with understanding what causes agapanthus flowers to flop.  

Causes that make agapanthus flowers flop are:

  1. Water availability 
  2. Soil quality
  3. Genetic modification (larger flower heads) 
  4. Weather conditions 

Agapanthus flowers should ideally be upright and fully open. By identifying what is making your flowers lean over, you may be able to correct it. Or at least prevent it from happening again in the future. 

Want to downsize your Agapanthus? This is how to get rid of Lily of the Nile (Agapanthus).


What to do with Agapanthus after flowering? 

After the agapanthus flower, they are likely to drop seeds. So, if you don’t want more agapanthus plants growing, you should get rid of the flower heads before this happens. But, if you are looking to increase your collection, leave the flower heads on so that seeds can disperse.   

Will bent Agapanthus stems still flower? 

Yes, bent agapanthus stems will still flower as long as it is provided with everything it needs. But, you should place a stick to support the stem and bud. Make sure the support is fixed into the ground well and the plant is fixed to it.